“Off-label prescribing” means that a medicine is being used in a way that is different to that described in the license for it, for example, using a medicine for a different illness to that stated in the license.1 Novo Nordisk acknowledges that all licensed prescribers have the choice to prescribe treatments outside of their intended purpose, or approved parameters of use, Novo Nordisk does not endorse this in any way. Novo Nordisk recommends all prescriptions are in line with a medicines approved Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC).
We’ve been closely monitoring how our medicines are being portrayed in both mainstream and social media, and we share ongoing concerns that off-label promotion and use of our medicines is putting supply at risk for people living with diabetes in the UK.
Prescription only medicines should be used in line with their approved indication. Any decisions made regarding treatment options should always be made in consultation with a healthcare professional and require strict medical supervision.
While we are subject to strict regulations regarding promotion of our medicines — which includes how we talk about them publicly — we are continuing to take steps to ensure accurate information is available to support the responsible use of our medicines. This includes:
1. Oxford University Hospitals. Unlicensed and “Off-label” medicines.
(accessed September, 2023).
UK23NNG00083 | October 2023